Friday, February 8, 2013

Descriptive words

     The objective of this lesson plan is to help students learn how to make stories clearer and more interesting by using descriptive words. It can be adjusted to fit an elementary school grade, preferably grades 2-5.

     Set a foundation for the students by going over the definition of what a descriptive word is, and some examples. 
DESCRIPTIVE: conveys and idea, image, or impression
*Another name for descriptive words are ADJECTIVES*

     Before you begin the writing activity, have your students close their eyes and listen as you describe a certain object in the classroom. When they feel like they have figured it out, have them raise their hand and explain in descriptive words the object. 

     As a class, begin to write down on the board household or classroom items (couch, microwave, desk). Now ask the class to come up with descriptive words for these items (soft, loud, brown).  After they have provided different words, take it to a critical thinking level. Ask questions regarding the descriptive words they gave. Which words were more descriptive than others? Which words were less descriptive? Which words can be used to describe more than one item on the list? Which words help clearly identify an object? As you promote critical thinking, a better understanding for descriptive words will be attained.

     For maximum understanding of the lesson, individualize the activity and have students think of their own item, either household or classroom. When they have thought of an item they have to write a paragraph (5 sentences) describing it -- how heavy it is, what color is it, where is it found-- WITHOUT revealing the name of the object. As the students are writing these paragraphs, continue to emphasize the basic writing rules and how to use clear and compete sentences. 

     When the students are finished with their paragraphs, have them partner up and exchange papers. Each student must now figure out the object that is being described in their partners paragraph. Ask them to identify the descriptive words used, if they were used clearly, and how the paragraph could be improved.

     To sum up the activity, review what the students have learned about descriptive words and how these words are so important when it comes to making stories.
This lesson incorporates student-centered learning and allows them to make real-life connections. 

This lesson plan can be found at

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